Thematic Network on Water Management and Research
Ismael Aguilar Benitez has been appointed the Technical Manager for the ReTGIA Technical Committee. Several attendees from the Oaxaca Workshop are collaborating in this Thematic Network.
In the international context, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda require that water management be sustainable and that the water resource covers human needs, but its protection and conservation is also contemplated for the use of future generations. The SDGs question the development model that currently puts the sustainability of the planet at risk. In this context, it is proposed the formation of a new thematic network with international linkage in which management experiences, analysis results and proposals derived from academic research to improve water management are shared.
General objective:
Achieve, through continuous collaboration mechanisms, the integration and expansion of the link between groups of researchers and water managers, as well as broadening the knowledge of the participants in the network, to define common interests in institutional, teaching and professional collaboration, obtaining products or projects by collaborative groups or nodes that have a medium-term work plan.
The Thematic Network will enhance the capacities of its members in their different disciplines and professional fields, expanding their possibilities for collaboration. As a result, proposals for alternative sustainable forms of management are expected where collaborative work between managers and researchers allows a better response to specific water management issues in urban, rural and regional areas.